Home Forums Talking ’bout my baby NEW Fatboy slim mix album Re: Re: NEW Fatboy slim mix album


    Hey guys,

    Yeah I got my copy on Monday, it’s pretty good, mainly because of the tunes but there’s not really much atmosphere to it to be honest, the mixes are either short cuts or Eric Morrillo-esque filter mixes, I think norman should stop trying to sound like Herve, Sinden, Switch, Loveys et al and do what he does best…

    Massive tunes, old skool classics, Acid House anthem, massive tune, random selection, Fatboy Bootleg and then fireworks… works every time.

    Having said all that I’m in no way disappointed with the CD, it’s well produced, tune selection is spot on…for a club gig, not a beach party I hasten to add… and the artwork is brilliant…


    (here comes my stupidly anal gripe section)

    …The tracklisting on the back is completely wrong…

    Uncredited remixes, spelling mistakes, wrong artist/title sequences…who proofs this stuff @ Southern Fried??

    Come on boys…you can do better!

    7/10 (because it’s Norman)
