Home › Forums › Acid 8000 › Yet another FBS SW4-clone live set › Re: Re: Yet another FBS SW4-clone live set
17 November 2010 at 12h16
Thanks for sharing doxliy,
The .nfo of this (second) release of team TALiON (the first is here: http://normancook.info/board/viewtopic.php?p=3556#p3556)
" E Y E . F O R . A N . E Y E "
: :: H A M M U R A B I :: :
ARTiST.... : Fatboy Slim
TiTLE..... : Live at SW4 Festival-READ NFO-CABLE-08-29
GENRE..... : Electronic
SUBGENRE.. : n/a
SOURCE.... : Radio
RELDATE... : Nov-14-2010
AiRDATE... : Nov-14-2010
TRACKS.... : 01
LENGTH.... : 56:07
SiZE...... : 67.3 MB
QUALiTY... : VBRkbps
:: T R A C K L I S T ::
Nr Name Time
01. Live at SW4 Festival-READ NFO-CABLE-08-29-2010 56:07
- --- total > 56:07
:: R E L N O T E S ::
we released this one earlier, but this time the play time doubled (28 -> 56 min).
:: G R E E T i N G S ::
To all the people who respect us and like what we produce,
no names needed here, you know who you are :)
You got something to say? E-mail us at: eyeforaneye@hush.com
T A L i O N
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