Come on… 2008 !

Well, probably the last post of the year. I wish you all the best for 2008.
Don't know what are your resolutions for the next year. Personnaly, i have several. The essential is to have fun & cool year .

My resolutions for 2008:

  1. See Norman in Live.
  2. Buy the new album of Norman.
  3. Find a girlfriend, fan of fbs (i will probably import one from Brazil LOL )
  4. Update (non updated since july 2007)
  5. Made of, a first official fan website.
  6. Find a new job in my real life.
  7. Moving house.
  8. Stop boring my friends with fatboy slim.
  9. Made other(s) non fbs website(s).
  10. … Stop write uninteresting posts!

So now, champagne!


''Your life is too influenced by Fatboy Slim.. and it will be more and more in 2008!"


  1. Hey I see we have some resolutions in common! Good luck for making them true. Thanks for all the good work and have a good new years party!

  2. Francois
    Happy New Year
    and a sincere thank-you for this fantastic blog/post of yours, it feeds the fan in the all of us – you are a star!
    all the best for 2008

  3. Hey, mate :d
    My resolution is done, i have a new laptop, so, i really hope, your dreams is really come true.
    Happy new year, be bad.

  4. Humm this year starts very bad for the blog.. all sets and files have been deleted by divshare (which seems to be saled to an other company..) It represent 6 gigas of files uploaded since … don’t remember but a long time ago. Hope that imeem don’t shut down my account LOL
    I’ll see that later but damn how i will upload all that we lost.. i’m bored to pass my time with upload and have no intention to pay more for hosting ( is full and made already 5,5 gigas..) i’ll probably delete some videos’s pity but we have a 2008 year to run! 8-)

  5. Happy & Healthy 2008 to all!

    Well Francis, your resolutions from 1-8 are the same for me… let’s hope & work for them coming true!

    What a bad thing so many uploads got deleted from divshare. Maybe i could support this blog by upping some of the lost ones@ my rs account so let me now.



  6. I’m always pessimist LOL , divshare seems to fixed a big crash of their databases.. (it’s the computer crash season?)

    Anyway, it’s always a risk when we use the same system of free hosting… It’s a good lesson for the future.

    Hope you passed good times..and enjoyed the new avatar system (even if it’s more fun than utility). I linked a pic for each names visitor , it will be added automaticly with your name. (yeah i know, i had nothing better to do this days).

  7. all the best to the people on the blog have a good new year
    "and its not over till the fatboy sings"

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