FATBOY SLIM UNABLE TO APPEAR AT SNOWBOMBING. 2manydjs NEWLY ANNOUNCED TO HEADLINE FOREST CLEARING It is with great regret that Fatboy Slim has had to pull his appearance at this year’s 10th Anniversary SNOWBOMBING festival. […]
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Just incase people are wondering who the guy is that’s interviewing Norm. I’m sure it’s Mike Keat, from the Cuban Brothers, or Miguel Mantovani as he goes by when with CB’s. He’s an all round performer, and has been around the music / club industry for years.
This just another character that he does, who is called Barry Peters (I think).
Just incase people are wondering who the guy is that’s interviewing Norm. I’m sure it’s Mike Keat, from the Cuban Brothers, or Miguel Mantovani as he goes by when with CB’s. He’s an all round performer, and has been around the music / club industry for years.
This just another character that he does, who is called Barry Peters (I think).
Thanks for this info Vambo :)